Our organization is governed by our membership and Board of Directors.
Being a membership driven organization, our Board of Directors is democratically elected by rank and file Pilsen Alliance members.
Volunteer members play an essential role in governing Pilsen Alliance. Volunteering with the Board of Directors is a great way to be a part of our continued growth and development. Occasionally, we will have vacancies on our Board of Directors and applications will open up to those who share our collective vision.
The purpose of the Board of Directors is, on behalf of the membership, to ensure that Pilsen Alliance reaches its objectives develop long-term goals in the best interest of the organization. The Board meets once per month to review the progress toward its strategic objectives. Board members must be willing to devote the time and energy it takes to carry our our mission.
Believe in the Pilsen Alliance’s Mission and Membership Principles
Be a public ambassador for Pilsen Alliance
Attend regular monthly Board meetings
Serve on at least one Board governance committee
Be a team player and act in the best interest of the organization
Serve a 2-year term and maintain good standing as a general member of Pilsen Alliance
Help us stay in compliance with relevant non-profit laws. More info here
Comply with fiduciary duties such as Duty of Care, Duty of Loyalty and Duty of Obedience. More info here
If you would like to be considered for a Board of Director position, you must first be a member of Pilsen Alliance in good standing. A membership application is available here. Once you submit a membership application, you can send an email or regular mail stating your intent to apply for the Board of Directors.
Email: info@thepilsenalliance
Regular mail: 1744 W. 18th Street Chicago, IL 60608
Attach any relevant background information, references and resume along with a detailed explanation as to why you think you would be a good fit for our Board of Directors.
Kate Bowen - Member at large
Diana Arellano - Member at large
Bernardino Echeverria -Member at large
Board Members
Yotzin Tzintzun - President
Cristal Bedolla - Vice President
Javier Ruiz - Secretary
Rosa Esquivel - Treasurer